Tarpon Fishing Charters
Tarpon fishing charters are offered during a couple of months during the summer when the migration is peaking along the Emerald Coast. Since I fish solely based out of Panama City Beach, my Tarpon guiding is limited to the early June to late July timeframe. I also limit my charters to a two (2) angler maximum. I want to do my best to make sure my clients are getting enough shots to keep the day interesting.

My Tarpon fishing charters head out very early in the morning to look for pods of fish rolling on top down the beach before the flotilla of jet skis, pontoon boats, and other anglers are stirring. As the sun gets up a bit we will set up and sight fish for the silver king. While Tarpon fishing we primarily use heavy spinning tackle - 8' rods paired with 8000 size reels spooled with 50 - 65lb. braid. I also tend to quit fishing by about lunch time as it can get hotter than blazes, clients may get tired and the afternoon sea breezes and accompanying thunderstorms can potentially make things interesting for the anglers staying out all day.

Tarpon fishing has its challenges. Weather can wreak havoc on Tarpon fishing plans. Since we are fishing out of the pass and along the beach, breezy conditions from a southerly direction can easily make things too rough for fishing. Tarpon can be very fickle about biting some days and can really make you want to pull your hair out (or let the profanity fly). However the hunt is thrilling and makes for a memorable and exciting experience on the water.